
Digital Accessibility for Public Entities: New ADA Title II Rule

The Department of Justice issued a new ruling recently related to digital accessibility for public entities under the Americans with Disabilities Act Title II. Find out who and what it applies to, the deadlines for compliance, and what this may mean for Title II entities in the future..

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Why You Should Use Text Styles

Most people who use InDesign, Word, Google Docs and other page layout and word processing programs are missing out on one of the most powerful and time-saving features—text styles, or paragraph styles.

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How to Get Your Organization on Board With Accessibility

Many people have misconceptions about accessibility. So when it gets brought up, there may be pushback. Get the facts so that you can get coworkers or board members on board with accessibility and counter some common excuses you may hear.

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Importance of Closed Captions for Videos

Many people may think that captions for videos are only for people with a hearing impairment. But captions not only benefit hearing individuals. They can actually help your videos reach more people, increase engagement of your videos and have many other benefits.

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Manual Accessibility Testing for Websites

A manual website accessibility audit is the most reliable way to find out how accessible your website currently is. It is a key player in the process in identifying accessibility issues and getting your website into compliance with Section 508 or ADA laws.

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